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Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Friday, January 17, 2025 Toxicity rising in top gear: CSE report finds shocking pitfalls in car emission testing

One of the biggest corporate frauds in the global automobile industry - the Volkswagen defeat device case - and the mounting evidence from Europe that most new diesel cars are emitting much higher than their certification levels, have largely gone unnoticed in India.

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has strongly urged for urgent steps to upgrade the current in-use emission testing, prepare for real driving emission testing with portable emission monitoring systems for Euro VI vehicles and make vehicle manufacturers liable and accountable for emission performance of vehicles during their useful life on the road.

The current practice of 
pollution under control programme (PUC) is rudimentary and ineffective. It is not designed to address complex emissions control systems in new vehicles. This cannot screen inherent technical flaws and frauds for which manufacturers are responsible that compromise the emissions performance in the real world.



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