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| Last Updated:: 20/02/2017


Climate Change Impacts

  • Warming 1.40C to 5.80C by 2100 relative to 1990.
  • Sea level 0.09 to 0.88 m by 2100.
  • Warming likely to vary by region.
  • Human systems sensitive to climate change.
  • Water resources - more rainfall between 40 and 70(Canada, Northern Europe, Russia). Increase at equator. Increase from 0 to 30South and decreasing towards 300 North.
  • Agriculture and forestry.
  • Coastal zones and marine systems.
  • Human and industry.
  • Insurance and other financial services.
  • Human health.

Natural System at Risk

  • Glaciers
  • Coral reefs
  • Mangroves
  • Tropical forests
  • Polar and alpine ecosystems - some species may increase, some become extinct.
  • Effect expected to be greatest in developing countries. This is compounded by other pressure forces such as population growth, resource depletion and poverty.

Scope of Climate Change

  • Comprehensive vulnerability assessment required at the state level for effective action on adaptation
  • Costs of adaptation need to be estimated and priorities established with wide-ranging stakeholder   consultations in the state
  • Need an analysis of sources of GHG emissions
  • Identification of sectors with mitigation potential
  • Setting up a responsible entity to look at successful implementation of CDM in the state
  • Assess information availability and needs
  • Define state objectives in line with the NAPCC
  • Identify the relevant NAPCC mission and the state specific issues
  • Lead institution / department for sector/mission
  • Establish multidisciplinary teams for sector/mission
  • Mitigation or adaptation expert(s)
  • National expert(s)
  • Expert(s) on finance and investments (preferably from the planning or finance ministry);
  • Expert(s) from relevant NGOs or academic institutions
  • Expert(s) from the private sector
  • Adaptation and mitigation strategies under the each mission /sector
  • Identify additional issues which are specific to the states
  • Prioritised adaptation / mitigation options under each mission
  • Targets to implement these options
  • Cost estimates of these additional and new adaptation/mitigation  measures
  • Financing mechanism
  • Institutional arrangement to implement these measures
  • Indicators for monitoring and feedback mechanism for the effective implementation
  • Knowledge gaps
  • Priortise future research requirements
  • Formulation of clear strategy for massive plantation drive on forest and farmland to mitigate the GHG effects.
  • Besides Afforestation  on Forest land involving community, the land outside forest areas (Community Farm forestry) is the promising area to develop carbon credit projects by involving communities
  • To earn carbon credits from plantations, the processes of documentation and other formalities are compulsory and cumbersome.
  • This also involves various processes and approvals from UNFCCC.
  • This needs proper empowerment via training of participants.
  • Identify eligible GHG emission reduction projects
  • Facilitate / finance CDM project documents preparation and approvals in line with the CDM/VER project development cycle
  • Introduce high qualified/rated big buyers in Germany 
  • Facilitate Carbon Financing / Emission Credits Trading in all stages
  • Facilitate Buyers with Monitoring Management to timely and reliable delivery
  • Facilitate transfer of advanced clean technologies from Annex I countries

The steps taken by the State Government of U.P. in compliance to the wishes of the Hon’ble Prime Minister to provide for State Level Action Plans for combating the problems of climate change are being enumerated below:

1. Nodal departments in the State Government,  have been identified for each of the eight missions as follows:


National Solar Mission

-Non Conventional Energy

National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency.


National Mission on Sustainable Habitat.


National Water Mission.


National Mission for sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem.


National Mission for a Green India.


National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture.


National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Chang



The Principal Secretary, to these departments in the Government shall be coordinating the activities related to their respective missions. These departments have been given directions to constitute the respective core group under the Chairmanship of the Principal Secretary. In order to ensure multi departmental inputs they have also been advised to include related departments within the core groups. Technical cooperation from reputed institutions (not exceeding 05 members) like TERI, IIT Kanpur, Moti Lal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, H.B.T.I., Kanpur etc. is proposed to be taken by the core groups. In order to give a final shape to these core groups, we are shortly convening a meeting in which we propose to invite representatives from TERI & the Central Government. We shall also be grateful of the ministry could forward to us names of experts/subject matter specialist who could help the State of U.P. in guiding the missions.  

2. We have held detailed discussions with the mission coordinators and each of these missions has come up with following action points for climate change mitigation:- 

1. National Solar Mission and National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency.

  1. Standards of EIA for new Thermal Power Plants should be revised and made more stringent.
  2. New conservation systems should be adopted in old thermal power plants.
  3. Intensive plantation should be undertaken at thermal power production sites. Fly ash should be mixed with soil.
  4. Electrostatic precipitators should be strictly enforced for emission reduction.
  5. To promote efficient energy use, energy audit should be strictly enforced. Examination and certification by the Bureau of Energy Audit made mandatory.
  6. Only CFLs, sensors and timers should be used in street lights.
  7. Generator and other plants based on old technology should be replaced in a time bound manner.
  8. The energy loss in Electricity transmission and distribution process which is about 40% should be reduced as per prescribed goals.
  9. The Government of India should be advised to establish a fund to provide grants for promotion of solar energy.
  10. The Rural Development Department should used CFLs in ongoing projects like-Indira Awas Yojna and Mahamaya Awas Yojna.
  11. A certain percentage of resources available for energy production should be earmarked for production of non-conventional energy.
  12. The use of solar water pump, solar heaters and solar lamps should be made mandatory.
  13. A policy decision should be taken to make the use of rotating pump capacitors mandatory.
  14. The use of water extraction pumps should be regulated except during peak hours.

2. National Mission on Sustainable Habitat

  1. Suitable provisions should be made to make by laws of residential and commercial building construction projects of various authorities more energy efficient and provisions for green area development should be made mandatory.
  2. Intensive monitoring system should be in place for STPs and the process of issuing NOCs for satisfactory arrangement of drainage and sewage system in urban areas should be strengthened.
  3. Scientific processes should be adopted for Municipal Solid Waste disposal and means for “waste to energy” should be adopted.
  4. Rain Water Harvesting should be made mandatory.
  5. Necessary action for expansion and strengthening of Directorate of Environment and U.P.P.C.B. for industrial effluent control should be taken on priority.
  6. An urban transportation fund should be established, through a cess, to promote local public transport.

A Forest Department official should be nominated as member in State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority

3. National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture

  1. Effective extension of direct sowing systems should be undertaken to discourage sowing of rice through transplantation.
  2. “Climate Change and suitable agro based systems” should be promoted through agro-science centers.
  3. Well planned programs should be design for agro forestry and horticulture.
  4. Effective regulator should be arranged for scientifically monitoring the Climate Change Strategy.
  5. Consultants should be appointed to take advantage of clean development mechanism.

4. National Water Mission 

  1. More effective measures should be under taken to regulate ground water extraction in the State. Institutions established in this regard need to be more active in this regard.
  2. The present infrastructure for monitoring water flows in rivers should be strengthened. A strong “early warning system” should be provided in rivers originating from Uttarakhand and Nepal and a proper coordination with these states should be maintained.
  3. Central Space Science Department should be requested to establish the proposed 800 automatic weather stations in the State on priority.
  4. Scientific information should be provided to policy makers in user friendly manner.
  5. Approval on Ground Water Control and Management bill should be obtained on priority.
  6. State Geology Department should be re-organized and strengthened.
  7. Legal binding on simultaneous water extraction and recharge should be considered. Suitable monitoring arrangement should also be made in this regard.
  8. Committees to resolve the water logging problems in municipal areas should be strengthened.
  9. Like other States, a Lake Development Authority should be constituted in the State.
  10. Strategy to promote water efficient crops should be adopted.
  11. k) Water efficient “drip and sprinklers” irrigation system should be promoted.
  12. In view of difference in present established and utilized irrigation capacity, use of already established capacity should be prioritized against new capacity building.
  13. Solar energy driven water pumps should be promoted.
  14. To promote the use of PVC pipes to prevent water losses due to leakages during distribution.
  15. Pressure should be continuously made on the senior most level regarding pending projects in view of increase in water storage capacity.
  16. To systematically reduce the share of subsidies in water prices in a time bound manner.
  17. A time bound strategy should be adopted at State level to save water losses during transmission and distribution.
  18. Ground Water Resource Department should be strengthened.
  19. Aquifer maping should be undertaken to constitute the State Level Aquifer Management Authority.
  20. t)Ponds should be developed to store the rain/flood waters in river basins to maintain the minimum water flow in rivers.
  21. Irrigation, minor irrigation and Geology Departments should be comprehensively re-organized and strengthened.
  22. Strict time frames should be prescribed for various activities.

5. National Mission for a Green India

  1. A coordination committee as per recommendation of Central Government to increase forest and tree covered areas in States should be constituted. Such committee has not yet been considered in U.P.
  2. Districts with forest/green cover below the State average should be identified and prioritized. A time bound action plan should be initiated for increasing the forest cover in these districts.
  3. The Environment Department has issued a G.O. to earmark 33% of total plot area of any industrial establishment for green purposes. Execution of this G.O. should be monitored effectively.
  4. A strategy should be planned to upgrade the low density forest cover area to medium category in first phase and from medium category forest area to dense forest area in second phase.
  5. A strategy should be evolved for ensuring supply of sufficient saplings of appropriate species.
  6. A time bound action plan should be prepared for expansion and strengthening of Joint Forest Management Committees.
  7. A Forest Department official should be nominated as a member of State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority.
  8. Provision of keeping 33% area green should be made mandatory for residential/municipal and commercial projects also.
  9. Agro-forestry projects for western U.P. should be prepared in first phase.
  10. Public private partnership may be considered for development of barren land etc.
  11. Forest Department should prepare an immediate action plan for forestration and plantation. Required financial resources should be arranged for this purpose.

6. National Strategic Knowledge Mission

  1. Constitution of Climate Change Authority in State may be considered aiming at coordination among various departments. A Climate Change Cell may be established on interim basis.
  2. Environment Directorate should be strengthened in the State.
  3. A prescribed percentage of State budgets should be earmarked for research in the field of Climate Change and a fund may be established in this regard. Private sector should be motivated through venture capital funds.
  4. Climate Change should be included as a subject into the course-ware at primary and intermediate level.

7. National Mission for Sustaining the Himalyan Eco-system

  1. GSI should play a prominent role in promotion of data access in the State.
  2. Scientific organization should make the scientific information available to policy makers in a user friendly manner.
  3. Sustained coordination should be maintained with various scientific organization in Uttarakhand to get continuous information regarding the changes in water flow in rivers due to any changes in Glacier systems.


It is felt necessary that the State draws up an Action Plan for the next 5 and 10 years with respect to these Action Points. The concerned missions have been asked to send these Action Plans soon. We hope to get back to you with these Action Plans by 15th March, 2010

  1. .As you would observe from the Action Points and the issues identified as given at annexure-1 implementation would involve cost considerations and the enormity of the resource requirements would make it necessary to avail Central assistance. We shall be grateful if the Central Government could indicate the areas in which it would be prepared to fund the climate change initiatives of the State of U.P.
  2. The Directorate of Environment, U.P. has been nominated as the nodal agency with the Director, Environment as the State Nodal Officer for climate change mitigation. The Directorate is proposed to be strengthened suitably.
  3. The Strategic Knowledge Mission is very critical to the management of climate change and is expected to cater to the information need of all the 8 missions. The Strategic Knowledge Mission has defined some critical areas and area of research:

Critical Areas:

While dealing with Climate Change challenges a number of issues may arise as critical to management. Some of these critical issues could be:  

  1. Creating data base and identifying trends and Climate responses.
  2. Identification of tolerant and species/sensitive to climate change.
  3. Poverty considerations.
  4. Population Control.
  5. Alternative livelihood options.
  6. Livestock populations. Feed lots and Green House Gas emissions.
  7. Municipal solid wastes and sewage.
  8. Industrial waste water- minimal pollution technology options.
  9. Industrial air pollution- Cement Plants, Power plants and other Green House Gas emissions sources.
  10. Low and alternative energy options.
  11. Documentation of industry best practices in terms of sustainability and resource optimization.
  12. G.H.G emissions from agriculture – rice cultivation etc
  13. Non anthropogenic sources of GHG emissions.
  14. Minimizing time lags in Lab to field transfer of technologies.
  15. Coordination with all other missions.
  16. Utilization of CDM benefits.
  17. Zoning regulations in conformity to carrying capacity.
  18. Strengthening the nodal agencies, creating human resource and centers of excellence.
  19. Documenting of traditional practices, local knowledge, biodiversity and folk traditions.

Areas of research:

  1. Priority areas for research have been short listed and include:
  2. Promote research in multi disciplinary aspects of environmental pollution as well as waste utilization.
  3. Undertake carrying capacity assessments in critical/aquatic stretches and air polluting areas.
  4. Prepare and upgrade environmental status reports with special emphasis on climate change.
  5. Develop effective and low cost technology for pollution control.
  6. Conduct EIA of development projects critical to climate change i.e. power, housing, animal husbandry, cement and tannery etc.
  7. Document biodiversity status and traditional and folk knowledge.
  8. Study the impact of pesticides and insecticides on crop production, food chain and green house emissions.
  9. Consolidate and disseminate information on technologies and cost considerations, waste utilization anprepare industry specific documents. 
  10. Create climate data base and identify critical responses to change.
  11. Identify climate change tolerant and sensitive species.
  12. Research into identification of alternative means of livelihood and poverty alleviation.
  13. Demography and population control. Impact assessment and solutions.
  14. Livestock and feed lots. Impact assessment and solutions.
  15. Municipal Solid Wastes and effluents. Waste to energy options.
  16. Developing Minimal polluting technology for industries critical to climate change.
  17. Research into low and alternative energy options. 
  18. Documentation of industry best practices and resource optimization.
  19. GHG emissions and agriculture impacts and solution.
  20. Non anthropogenic sources of GHG emissions. Impacts and solutions.
  21. CDM technologies.
  22. Preparing communication strategies.

In this connection we shall be grateful if the Central Government facilitates sharing the available knowledge base and provides us a pool of resource and resource persons. We shall also be grateful if the Government of India works out an assistance package for funding the State Strategic Knowledge Mission. 

4.We are also in the process of constituting a High Power Committee for coordinating the climate change activities. This committee shall be headed by the Chief Secretary and will have representation from each mission along with not more than five subject matter experts. The committee shall help in formulating and implementing the action plan, facilitate inter-departmental coordination and review the climate change programme in the State.

5.The State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority with its Secretariat at the Directorate of Environment has an important role to play in Climate Change Management. While according Environmental Clearance conditions are being imposed for green belt development, top soil conservation, rain water harvesting, energy conservation, recycling of waste water, provision of solar power systems, promoting use of CFL’s, decentralized sewage treatment etc. The State Environment Department has also taken the initiative of making it compulsory for industries and industrial area to provide for green belts (Annexure-3). All these conditions have a very direct impact on Climate Change Management. It is very important that the present mechanism of monitoring the compliance of these conditions be strengthened. The present notification provides for public disclosure and submission of reports. Punitive action attracted in case of non compliance to conditions/non submission of reports does not appear to be adequately provided for. We shall appreciate if the Government of India establishes a mechanism. Currently the matter is being referred to the State Government for action.

6.We have been given to understand that an expert committee constituted by the Government of India has studied the impact of anthropogenic climate change in India and has come up with some findings that will assist in addressing India’s vulnerability to climate change. We shall be grateful if these findings are shared with the States along with the mission documents prepared by the Central Government regarding the Prime Minister’s National Action Plan on Climate Change. 

7.We shall surely be taking the assistance of GTZ and the D.F.I.D and propose to invite them to our next meeting to be convened shortly. We shall also be grateful if the Ministry could nominate a suitable officer to assist us on this issue.


 Status of Action Plan for Climate Change in the State

  • Govt. of India informed on 23-02-2010.
  • Govt. of India has not made any financial provisions. Research can however be funded under existing schemes.
  • Provisions have been made for Rs. 4337.00 crores under Jawahar Lal Nehru Solar Energy Mission.
  • Each mission could separately make a reference to the central government
  • Some fund from each mission department could be allocated for the strategic knowledge mission.
  • Directorate of Environment could be notified as Nodal Department with the Director Environment as State Nodal Officer.
  • Core group should be proposed for each mission and should include representatives from TERI and other organizations
  • A state level action plan be drawn for Himalayan Ecology Mission after interacting with Uttrakhand and Nepal.
  • All mission heads have been requested to incorporate the impact of their activities on the Himalayan ecosystem.
  • Preliminary discussions held with Director Environment, Uttrakhand.
  • A high power committee be constituted for review.
  • A high power committee has been constituted on 25-02-2010
  • G.T.Z. has been asked to make action plan
  • G.T.Z. will be presiding financial and technical assistance.
  • Needs the support and cooperation of all mission heads.
  • 1st Draft by January

Mission wise Status of Action plan for the next 5 and 10 years and take assistance of specialist organizations.

Solar Mission

  • Awaiting directions of the Central Government on guidelines for implementations of National Solar Mission.
  • Action plan shall be made thereafter.

Green Mission

  • Committee constituted under Principal Chief Conservator of Forests.
  • Two Schemes.


Dense Afforestation: 

  • Afforestation of 2,44,560 Hectare open forest during 2011 to 2017.
  • Includes Land & Water conservation work.

Agriculture Forestry: 

  • 215 Lakh saplings to be made available to formers every year.
  • 1,36,970  ha non forest land to be planted.
  • Core Group has suggested a target of 55000 ha.
  • 61000 ha open forests to be converted to dense forests every year.

Water Mission

  • Yet to prepare action plan

Strategic Knowledge Mission



Present Status






Publication of Journal on Climate Change.


Set up Editorial Board and start publication



Directorate of Environment


Publicity through TV/AIR/Hoardings & buses



T.V. Programmes

To continue

All Mission Heads to allocate resources to Directorate of Environment


Integrate Climate Change agenda with National Green Corps activities and District Plan activities.


5 best clubs in each district to be established as centers of excellence

50 clubs in each districts

100 clubs in each district

Pollution Control Board and Directorate of Environment


Create Climate Change awareness centre at National parks, Sanctuaries, Zoo and other public places on prominent cities.


5 centers

20 centers

40 centers

All Mission Heads to contribute


Organize seminars, conferences and workshops on Climate Change.


1. General 2. Strategic Knowledge

One annual conference each year for all missions and one National integrated Nodal Workshop.

One annual conference each year for all missions, one National and one International Conference.

1. Mission Heads

2. Directorate of Environment 3. Industry partnership


Promote Centers for excellence in College/Universities/ Institutions


Identify and create 02 centers.



Directorate of Environment.


Fund Climate Change research at Universities and colleges and fund setting up of new Climate Change research centers jointly with private sector.


5 Crore 

5 Centers

15 Crores 

5 Centers

30 Crores 

10 Centers

Universities/Colleges/Industry association/Industry


Create State Air and Water Labs as Nodal Centers for Climate Change Research.





Directorate of Environment


Finalize Environment Policy


Finalize Policy





Check implementation of conditions to environmental clearance and publish status of compliance and contribution to Climate Change.







Strengthen Climate Change Nodal Cell


Initiate Strengthening

75% at the end of 5th Year.

100% in the beginning of 7th Year.



Constitute Research Advisory Committee


Constitute Committee





Create corpus of funds


Create corpus





Establish a hard and ‘e’ library at Directorate dedicated to Climate Change.


Initiate proposal and arrange for funds. Inaugurate library.

Strengthen and maintain.

Strengthen and maintain.






1. Vulnerability studies for U.P. with respect to each of the missions.

2. Documentation of industry best practices and resource optimization. Sugar, Tannery, Paper, Distillery, Cement.

3. Environmental performance rating of sugar.

4. Documenting biodiversity status and traditional knowledge.

5. Inventorizing major Green House Gas sources. 

6.Create Climate data base. 

7.City Refuse and its compact on Cities.

1. Waste to energy options. 

2. Environmental Performance Rating of Sugar, Tanneries, Paper and Distilleries. 

3. Demography and population control. 

4. Livestock and Climate Change. 

5. Resilience studies.



Enhanced Energy Mission

  • Information on Draft action Plan not available.

Sustainable Habitate Mission

  • Core group has been formed.
  • Action plan details not available.

Sustainable Agriculture Mission

  • Information with regards to Action Plan not available.

Himalayan Ecology Mission

  • Action Plan not yet formulated.
  • Primary decisions held with Director, Environment, Uttrakhand.

Committee Created for all 8 Missions 


Chief Secretary, Govt. of U.P.



Commissioner, Infrastructure & Industrial Development



Principal Secretary, Department of Finance



Principal Secretary, Department of Planning



Principal Secretary, Department of Non Conventional Development Energy



Principal Secretary, Department of Energy



Principal Secretary, Department of Housing



Principal Secretary, Department of Agriculture



Principal Secretary, Department of Irrigation



Principal Secretary, Department of Forests



Principal Secretary, Department of Environment

Member Secretary

Core Group Constituted

Solar Energy Mission 



Secretary, Department of Non Conventional Development Energy, Govt. of U.P.



Secretary/Principal Secretary, Department of Energy, Govt. of U.P.



Secretary/Principal Secretary, Department of Environment, Govt. of U.P.



Chairman, U.P. Administration and Management Academy



Representative of Tata Energy Institute



Representative of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur



Representative of Moti Lal Nehru, National Institute of Technology, Allahabad



Representative of H.B.T.I., Kanpur



Representative of Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow


Enhanced Energy Mission


Secretary, Department of Energy, Govt. of U.P.



Nominee of Secretary, Dept. of Non Conventional Development Energy, Govt. of U.P.



Nominee of Principal Secretary, Department of Transport, Govt. of U.P.



Nominee of Principal Secretary, Department of Forests, Govt. of U.P.



Nominee of Principal Secr